Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Louise Bourgeois

Louise Bourgeois (25 December 1911 – 31 May 2010) Is originally from France but moved to the US. She is known for surrealism and feminist art. her art seems to be quite creepy compared to some other people which is pretty cool. she was also a painter and a printmaker.


This is a really cool sculpture in my opinion it is a bronze spider and is among the worlds largest sculptures measuring 30 ft high and 33 ft long. personally i thing it is really badass. it interacts with space in the sense that people can interact with it and can walk under it.
Father and son

This is a sculpture built in 2005 and is installed in a fountain. This is how it interacts with space, it is at the top of a fountain which is quite cool. It depicts a boy and his father as told by the title. It is located in Seattle, Washington.

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